



Wednesday, 26.09.2018

12:00 – Publication of Supplementary Regulations and opening date for entries

Friday, 05.10.2018

18:00 – Closing date for entries
18:00 – Closing date for additional space and other requests for service areas
18:00 – Issuing of the Road Book, maps and Rally Guide

Monday, 08.10.2018

18:00 – Publication of the Entry list
18:00 – Closing date for Shakedown registration




Tuesday, 09.10.2018

14:00-18:00 Pre-administrative checks, collection of road books and reconnaissance registration Rally HQ/td>

Wednesday, 10.10.2018

08:00-16:00 Administrative checks, collection of road books and reconnaissance registration Rally HQ
08:00-12:00 Collection of tracking devices for reconnaissance Rally HQ
10:00-19:45 Reconnaissance According to Appendix 2

Thursday, 11.10.2018

10:00 Service park opens Main Parking Lot of Albena Resort
16:00 – 20:00 Administrative checks Rally HQ
09:30–17:00 Reconnaissance According to Appendix 2
12:00– 20:00 Opening of Media Centre and media accreditation Rally HQ

Friday, 12.10.2018

08:30-13:30 Instalation of tracking devices Service Park – Parc Fermé
09:00-13:30 Technical scrutineering, marking and sealing Service Park – Parc Fermé
14:00 First meeting of the Stewards Rally HQ
14:30 Publication of the start list for Ceremonial start and Leg 1 ONB, Rally HQ
16:00 Cars in Holding area for Ceremonial start Sea Port Varna
16:10 Pre-event press conference Ceremonial start podium
16:30 Ceremonial start of the rally Sea Port Varna
18:50 Start of the Rally – Leg 1, TC 0 Service park

Saturday, 13.10.2018

07:55 Scrutineering of restarting cars Service Park – Parc Fermé
08:55 Re-Start of Leg 1 TC1B Service Park
21:25 Finish of Leg 1 TC7D Service Park – Parc Fermé
22:30 Publication of starting list for Leg 2 ONB, Rally HQ

Sunday, 14.10.2018

07:25 Scrutineering of restarting cars Service Park – Parc Fermé
08:25 Start of Leg 2 TC7E Service Park
15:20 Rally finish TC11D – Podium ceremony and Prize giving Service Park
15:50 Final Scrutineering Service Park
16:10 Post-event press conference Media Centre
16:15 Publication of the provisional final classification ONB, Rally HQ
16:45 Publication of the official final classification ONB, Rally HQ